Pro EFT Master, Certified Havening Practitioner
"Dying to Live: Embracing the Journey, reminds us that the end of the road can be embraced with love, insight, compassion and even joy. A book to be read and remembered." Judy Reynolds, Author, Once Upon a Vine.
Reading these stories has been an extraordinary experience, revealing the
soul's yearning for love, no matter what the circumstances may be. This book
will expand your heart into realms you never knew existed. Percy McManus,
founder of Health Excellence, Inc.
Siskiyou Daily News — By Mike Slizewski Editor
Yreka, Calif. — When a book is described as a "page-turner, the reader often expects something like this: "an exciting novel, such as a thriller, with
a fast-moving story." You don't expect, say, a non-fiction book about people who are helped through the last stages of life by hospice. But that's the best word I can come up to describe my friend Joanne Harvey's recently released
"Dying to Live: Embracing the Journey." It's so good I had to wait to read it; I brought it home, showed it to my happy homey, and she disappeared — as is her wont whenever she comes across a good book — and she didn't reemerge until she had read it cover to cover.Then I did the same thing.
I've know Joanne for a long time, but I had no idea she was such a gifted storyteller (or photographer)."End of life issues impact us all," she begins. "No one gets out of here alive. In your lifetime and mine we will see loved ones die, and one day we will be the one dying.'Dying to Live' is a collection of true stories about real people living with terminal illness. These are empowering stories that help embrace life and release fear.'Dying to Live' is about transitions," she continues. "It's about preparing for death, honoring the process, and living with eyes wide open. It's about dealing with fear while problem-solving, celebrating accomplishments, tapping into the present with gratitude, and consciously living life (and it) is about the hospice team helping to make it all happen." Joanne, who lives outside town holds a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's in medical social work, tells 11 stories drawn from her experience as hospice social worker.
I don't want to give away any of the stories, each riveting in its own way, as its more rewarding for the reader to discover each as they unfold.But it should be noted that she doesn't pull punches or sugarcoat any of them. Not everyone reacts to end-of-life issues in the same way, be they the
one who is dying or the relatives/friends surrounding them as their life slips away. Some rise to the occasion, others, well, sink.Sometimes strangers step in as surrogate loved ones, replacing, say, parents or "friends" who are troubled by the inconvenience of someone dying in their midst.
Joanne treats even these people with compassion in the book, but her writing is most passionate when she tells the stories of those who are dying with dignity and with concern for those they will be leaving behind.
From recent emails:
Hi Joanne,
Well, I read your book... couldn't put it down. You picked a very good diverse group of people to share. Fascinating! And I wish you could watch a readers face as they go through your book, personally I had tears streaming while each person's life touched my heart. I understand how word of mouth will spread this book, I certainly will share it. Good work. The community is lucky to have you. I know from personnel experience that while all people involved in the hospice process are important and helpful, not many share your level of caring or ability to get to the heart of what someone wants and needs. K Wheeler
Some of these stories definitely made me cry, especially the first tear-jerker with the little girl. If I ever doubted that hospice would be a safe place to put myself at the end of my life, I definitely wouldn't now. D Gotten
I would guess that every hospice would want to have this in their library. Without saying it flat out, you obviously go to most any extreme to keep the patient safe and as comfortable as possible. We all know that hospice nurses and social workers have huge hearts. Your book preserves your modesty and at the same times shows the rest of us your accomplishments. Good job Joanne in more ways than one! Suzy Morgan
Dying to Live arrived yesterday evening and I cried, you spoke directly to me through your words. I couldn't believe so many useful answers would be in this book. Just knowing that someone else was going through the pain and suffering our family is going through, has somehow been an odd comfort. In each story I saw a part of myself and our situation and realized that we need hospice now. I have already called and they are on their way out to help. C Paloma
Dying to Live:Each story was so inspiring! I finally understand where I can get help. Amazingly now I know we all can do this. I can live each day in the present, and most importantly I know now that in the end with some planning everything will be OK. I can't express enough what a wonderful gift this book is. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. J Jason
Finished DYING TO LIVE last night — an ABSOLUTELY superb book — beautifully written by an obviously beautiful person — love your sensitivity to the people you worked with in this book — what a collection of characters! - what fantastically creative and compassionate care. As a former pastor whose done two separate quarters of CPE/hospital chaplaincy, I think you're totally hitting the mark with this book. K Spanos
Thank you so much for writing Dying to Live: Embracing the Journey— thanks for making the difference you do — may this book be an avenue for you to broaden your reach. Lars Clause [email protected]
Dying To Live: Embracing the Journey is a real tribute to the work done by hospice and the excellent people like you who care and know how to help....and want to. I would recommend this book to any living person. We all need to know how to leave this world comfortably. B Marnett
I found the stories in Dying to Live thoughtful, touching, and especially humbling. We are lucky to have such an organization and knowledgeable compassionate people who can do this work. Thank you for offering such a remarkable book. Congratulations on its success! C. Garland
Just finished your book and had to write you. I've never written an author before but I was so moved I'm taking a chance. These are a few of the descriptions I can think of; awesome, fabulous, incredible, and much needed. Congratulations! I wish I had read this book when my mother was dying, I think it would have made the process easier, and I would have known how to get the assistance I so badly needed. I'm going to include it as a link in my next newsletter, this sensitive, heartfelt, real life book, has to be shared with the world. A.Fisher Life Coach Vancouver, WA
I recently purchased a copy of Dying To Live by Joanne Harvey MSW. I simply loved the book! This book has insight, loving, sharing and caring values for each individual and family member. Every story is different and yet similar with its human experience. Love is the most powerful thing in the universe and Dying to Live: Embracing the Journey captures this philosophy. I encourage everyone to pick a copy for themselves or a loved one. It's a great read! Bill Keefer, published author, former, United States marshal, Los Angeles.
The beautiful book, Dying to Live: Embracing the Journey, came in the mail today and I just finished it. What a wonderful gift to all of us. I've read a few "real-life-experience" books on dying and death, and some I found too morbid, too graphic, or too sentimental. I was especially disturbed by
the graphic books, because describing the physical process of dying, in great detail, doesn't begin to capture the profound complexity, on so many levels, of the journey, for all involved. Your book captures the humanness and uniqueness of each person's experience, both the person taking the journey and those who are caring for them. Your book generates in the reader the range of emotions--in particular strength and courage--that arise as we approach and go through this great life lesson. And it sheds light on the great gift of hospice for those who are unfamiliar or unclear about what it is and what it does. Many people are still unaware of who is eligible, the depth of services provided, and that the care is free. I'll be adding my five-star review to the book's page on Amazon. I'll also be loaning your book to the folks at the hospice here and hope they feel inspired to buy more copies.
Thank you for this marvelous book, With love and gratitude, L Gray
No one gets out of here alive; Author challenges us to experience death without fear
What would it be like to know you are dying and still live your life to the
In her new book Dying To Live: Embracing the Journey, hospice social worker and author Joanne Harvey
takes readers into the homes and lives of people challenged with terminal
illness. A collection of true stories about love and healing, Harvey’s intimate
accounts dare readers to adopt a new view of death: to embrace it as a natural
part of life.
“I attempt to shatter the illusion that dying has to be
sad and horrible,” says Harvey. “It can be difficult, but with hospice support,
it can also be powerful beyond belief.” An experienced social worker, Harvey includes practical advice, information and resources available to those who need assistance or wonder how hospice works.
"I found 'Dying to Live; Embracing the Journey' moving and thought provoking. One of my closest friends (and also the faculty member with whom
I shared my lab and co-advised many students for over two decades) died a few years ago from pancreatic cancer. During the 15 months during which she lived with certain knowledge of death, she lived a lifetime. It was an extraordinary and humbling experience and it left me with enormous admiration. I also hope that I learned something from her. Your book has a great deal of that same wisdom." Jeffrey L. Elman, Dean, Division of Social Sciences,University of California, San Diego JOANNE HARVEY MSW, PRO EFT MASTER, CERTIFIED HAVENING PRACTITIONER (530) 598-6530